Brian Ortiz

Mr. Brian was born in New York City, his parents are from Colombian. He returned to Colombia when he was only a year old, therefore he grew up there. He returned to the US when at 18 to play soccer for the New York Red Bulls MLS academy. His entire life has been dedicated to this sport.
There’s been ups and downs throughout his soccer career. He has had some amazing experiences, including travel to several countries like Romania, Germany, Argentina, Spain USA. Unfortunately, when he was 24 years old he had to make the hard decision to put his dreams of being a professional soccer player aside, due to an injury.
This decision led him to think about different ways to remain tied to soccer taking advantage of everything he had learned during his life as an athlete. This is how he found his new purpose in life, which is to inspire others thru the sport that he loves so much.
That is when he started to form his own Soccer Academy, little by little it is taking shape. He was recently presented with the opportunity to start as a physical education teacher at the Milton Montessori School and he did not hesitate for a second because it is tied to this life purpose of sharing, inspiring and helping children to lead a more active and healthy life.