Our Path Forward
We believe the school plays a vital role in a child’s development and overall well-being. Our goal is to maintain the health, safety and mental wellness of our entire community while providing the nurturing and academically challenging school environment. We follow guidance from the CDC & Georgia Department of Public Health.
A safe school in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic will require the full commitment of every member of our community. We expect our faculty, staff and parents to lead by example, modeling proper behavior and good judgment for the children in our care. We understand that there are risks involved and that it may be impossible to prevent a case of COVID-19, but we can help prevent its spread by closely monitoring the situation and abiding by certain protocols.
We ask for patience, understanding and flexibility as we navigate ever-changing circumstances, and we thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Onsite Classroom Benefits
During these unprecedented times, we are living in, social and emotional connection is more important than ever. Connection is imperative for the development of children. Milton Montessori is committed to providing our families and students with the opportunity to share time together while making sure we put the safety and health of our students and staff at the forefront. The benefits of learning in person far outweigh virtual learning for many reasons. We have shared some of the main differences.
- Individualized learning opportunities and specific guidance
- Collaborative learning is freely possible with all peers in the classroom
- Freedom of movement and choice is greater within the classroom setting
- Real Montessori manipulatives are available to the child at all times
- Social Cohesion is more important than ever at this time to alleviate stress and anxiety in students
- Sense of order in their day is created by the schedule of the classroom. Normal daily rhythm is uninterrupted.
- Classrooms are designed to foster independence and enable children to work together or alone
- Child Engagement in freely choosing work and meaningful activities throughout the day
- Grace and Courtesy are taught in person
American Academy of Pediatrics- “Strongly advocates that all policy considerations for the coming school year should start with a goal of having students physically present in school.”
There is already evidence of the negative impacts on children because of school closure in the spring of 2020. – social isolation, depression, separation anxiety and agoraphobia.
COVID Guidelines
Person has symptoms of COVID-19 and has been diagnosed with or tested positive for COVID- 19
Person can return to the child care facility when they can answer yes to ALL three question :
- Has it been at least 5 days since symptoms first appeared?
- Has it been at least 24 hours since the person had a fever (without using fever reducing medicine)?
- Has it been at least 24 hours since the person’s symptoms have improved, including cough and shortness of breath?
- Can the person wear a well-fitting mask for days 6-10 after symptom onset while in the child care facility?
- Once the criteria above are met, it is not necessary to require a negative COVID-19 test to return to child care. If the person cannot wear a mask, they can return after 10 days
Person has not had symptoms of COVID-19 but has been diagnosed with COVID-19 based on a positive test
Person can return to the child care facility once 5 days passed since the date of their first positive test if they can wear a well-fitting mask for days 6-10. If they cannot wear a mask, they can return after 10 days.
However, if the person develops symptoms of COVID-19 after their positive test, they must be able to answer yes to ALL three questions listed above before returning to child care
Person has been excluded because of COVID-19 symptoms without a known exposure to an infected person but then tests negative for COVID-19
Person can return to the child care facility once they can answer yes to both questions :
- Has it been at least 24 hours since the person had a fever without the use of fever-reducing medicines?
- Has the person felt well for at least past 24 hours?
Person has been excluded because of COVID-19 symptom(s) without a known exposure to an infected person and was not tested
Person can return to child care facility :
- 24 hours since the person had a fever without the use of fever-reducing medicines AND/OR
- 24 hours since symptoms resolved.
Person that is not vaccinated. has not completed a primary vaccine series. or is not up to date with additional/booster vaccines has been determined to be in close contact with someone diagnosed with COVID-19
Quarantine is recommended. However, asymptomatic individuals may return to child care after they have completed all requirements in the DPH guidance for persons exposed to COVID-19 found at https://dph.georgia.gov/contact.
Person that is up to date on COVID-19 vaccines has been determined to be in close contact with someone diagnosed with COVID-19
Person does not need to quarantine. However, they should monitor themselves for symptoms for 10 days and follow the isolation guidance if any symptoms develop. CDC recommends that individuals test at least 5 days following an exposure. Universal masking is recommended for all child care facilities, but individuals who are up to date on vaccines should also wear a well-fitting mask for 10 days when around other people.
Person that has tested positive for COVID-19 within the previous 90 days, has recovered and remains asymptomatic but has been determined to be in close contact with someone diagnosed with COVID-19
Person does not need to quarantine. However, they should monitor themselves for symptoms for 10 days. If they develop new symptoms during the 10 days, they should isolate while ill and may return to normal activities after their symptoms resolve. Universal masking is recommended for all child care facilities, but individuals within 90 days of an infection should also wear a well fitting mask for 10 days when around other people.
Please note policies are intended to mitigate not eliminate risk.